After School Sports: This program is sponsored by the Moreland School District. There is an athletic fee for participating in after school sports that helps support league fees and district transportation to the sporting event. All students will take district buses to all sporting events under the supervision of the team coach, while parents are required to pick up after the event. Sports include (but may not be limited to) Cross Country Running (co-ed, no cuts), Girls Volleyball, Girls and Boys Basketball, Girls and Boys Soccer and Track and Field (co-ed, no cuts). All students on teams MUST have either private or school insurance. In addition to the above requirements, all athletes must maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. in order to participate in athletic events.
Dances: Student leaders and staff will work together to plan and put on Friday night dances periodically throughout the year. Dance tickets MUST be purchased before the evening of the dance. All students must be in good behavior standing in order to attend dances. Any student suspended prior to a dance is ineligible for participation. Parents must park and check out students promptly when the dance ends. Students will not be released without an adult.
Student Leadership: It is our goal for every student to take on a leadership role of some kind during each year. Leadership opportunities may include student leadership teams, Advisory Rep. Council, Cornerstone, Big Buddy Peer Support Program, leading school events, yearbook team, running the student store, leading community service activities, etc.
Clubs and Student Activities: Activities offered will be based on interest and availability of volunteers to facilitate these activities. Activities and clubs are based on student interest each year and may include Math Olympiad, Spanish Club, Drama Productions, Homework Club, Joi Club, Husky Newspaper, Film Club, Choir, and other enrichment activities.
Field Trips: All grades participate in curriculum-based field trips during the year. Students are expected to behave as responsible citizens while off campus and to take the learning objectives of the field experience seriously.
Spirit Days and Lunchtime Activities: Students will have opportunities to celebrate school spirit on fun Spirit Days throughout the year as well as participate in fun lunchtime activities led by staff and classmates.
All activities are privileges. In order to participate, students must maintain the behavior standards outlined in the Middle School Behavior Contract signed at the beginning of the year by students and their parents, not have any suspensions on their record and be in good behavior standing with all teachers.