Easterbrook Discovery School

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Community Service

Community Service

Students at EDS are required to do Community Service each trimester.  Many students choose to do their community service by working in K-5 classrooms on a regular basis. These students support younger students by running centers and/or reading and working with individuals. Some students stay after school to help with the K-5 Homework Center. Students also have shared their time by working in the Husky Café during family events such as Family Math Night and Movie Night. Other Community Service activities have included Moreland Woods clean up days, campus beautification, and work with outside service agencies.

Each Halloween, all Middle School Students  plan and facilitate a Harvest Festival for the K-5 students. They create games and activities that have included a Costume Runway complete with runway music and an MC, Haunted Houses. Other games include Wrap-the-Mummy, Face Painting, Cake Walk, Pelt-the-Pumpkin, a Scavenger Hunt and an Obstacle Course. The Festival is always fun to plan and wildly popular with the K-5 crowd!

COMMUNITY SERVICE REQUIREMENT: All students will be expected to participate in some kind of community service during each school year. This requirement relates to activities students will experience in their advisory classes, in addition to being a requirement in terms of qualifying students for participation in Honor Roll events. 

Community Service Requirements

            Fall                Winter           Spring

6th      2 hrs.            2 hrs.             2 hrs.

7th       2 hrs.            3 hrs.            3 hrs.

8th       2 hrs.            3 hrs.           3 hrs.

Community Service Verification

Click here to download  a your Community Service Verification Sheet. 

Community Service Resources